Barnsley Landlord Accreditation Scheme
The Barnsley Rentsmart Accreditation Scheme is a voluntary scheme that recognises good landlords with properties within the borough. The Scheme has recently been re-launched to encourage private landlords to achieve our aims of improving physical standards, and promoting good rental practices and a high quality of property management. We aim to accomplish this through encouraging, supporting, and recognising landlords who attain and adhere to high levels of property standards.
Registered landlords will be able to register their properties to achieve a star rating, advertise their properties for free, and have access to a range of incentives including:
Advice and support on dealing with tenancy-related issues and anti-social behaviour
Discounted licensing fees
Access to resources for supporting and improving tenant / landlord relationships
Interest-free loans for upgrades involving energy efficiency measures
The star rating has been introduced to encourage greater tenant choice and raise living standards. It works in a similar way to the rating scheme used by the Food Standards Agency. Stars are awarded to landlords who comply with the law and rent out properties that meet Barnsley Standards. The system allows tenants peace of  mind in knowing that any property they choose will have been checked and approved by the council.
How to Join

If you wish to apply to join the Scheme, please complete the online application form and property standards form. There is an annual fee to be a member of the Scheme of £50+VAT (£60.00). Please read and be aware of all the requirements before submitting your application. Once an application is received, the Barnsley Standards team will evaluate your application, check your safety certificates, inspect your property, and issue a certificate confirming your status as an accredited landlord.

The compliance checks and property inspections will be kept to a minimum for landlords who adhere to the codes. The Scheme outlines these procedures in more detail and explains what will happen in the case that a landlord fails to comply with the codes. Landlords will always be given an opportunity to remedy problems, but those who persistently fail to adhere to the codes will be subject to the disciplinary rules set out in the Scheme.
nt’s procedure.
Purpose of the Scheme

The Scheme is run by Barnsley Council for the benefit of landlords and tenants. It aims to improve physical standards, promote good rental practices, and ensure a high quality of property management within the Private Rented Sector. We aim to achieve this by promoting properties that are in good physical condition, enforcing tenancy management standards, and increasing the number of landlords and tenancies recognised under the Scheme.

Operation of the Scheme

Upon receipt of a new application, Barnsley Council will ensure that the landlord is a suitable candidate before arranging an inspection on the properties they wish to register. We make our decision using any existing information we hold on the landlord, information provided by the applicant, and any outstanding debts owed to the Council. Following a successful application, landlords will be awarded with a certificate showing their status of accreditation, and given access to the benefits of the Scheme. Membership of the Scheme is reviewed on an annual basis, with inspections taking place every 3 years.

Disciplinary Matters
Breaches of the code may result in landlords being removed from the Scheme and, in extreme cases, legal action.
Similarly, if landlords wish to make a formal complaint about the Scheme, they can do so through the Council’s complaint’s procedure
Requirements of the Scheme
Landlords will ensure that:
Prospective tenants are aware of any charges for which they are liable, including rent, deposit, utility charges, etc.
There is a written tenancy agreement and inventory with pictures if possible.
The tenant’s deposit is protected using one of the government’s approved schemes.
Tenants are provided with a clear complaints procedure.
Tenants are made aware of their responsibility not to cause a nuisance, and that if they do, landlords will use reasonable action to achieve compliance. Landlords can seek advice and support through membership of the Scheme.
Landlords and anyone acting on their behalf (employees, workmen, etc.) will always act in a professional and courteous manner.
All properties are maintained to a satisfactory level in accordance with the Council’s minimum standards (more detail below), and any repairs that are reported will be acted upon in a timely manner.
Matters concerning deposits are administered efficiently and fairly at the end of a tenancy.
Commitment from the Council
The Council will ensure that:
Regular landlord meetings are held.
Landlords can advertise their properties.
Landlords can access references for former Berneslai Homes tenants.
A discount will be awarded to any licensing charges, pest control & visitor parking permits.
Regular advice, news and information is made available to landlords.
Access to advice relating to dealing with anti-social behaviour and rent arrears is readily available.
Access is provided to interest-free loans for upgrades that involve energy efficiency measures.

For more information, please use the tabs below:

Barnsley Standards

What does the star rating mean?

Benefits for landlords

Your responsibilities

Landlord Log-in